A la esposa de McCain el actual candidato de USA Cindy McCain le gusta XFiles!
VAN SUSTEREN: Does he, like, have an iPod or anything?
MCCAIN: Yes, he has an iPod. I loaded it for him.
VAN SUSTEREN: Do you have one, too?
VAN SUSTEREN: What's on yours?
MCCAIN: Oh, my gosh. I change it from week to week, actually, when I get to -- my iPod has movies and music on it. So right now, I've got a bunch of surf music on it, believe it or not, and I have a lot of movies, too, so...
VAN SUSTEREN: Like what?
MCCAIN: And I have TV shows, too. So right now, I have the first three seasons of "X-Files" on my iPod! I love "The X-Files."
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