Por Kiel Phegley, Miércoles 22 de Octubre
En los 90’s las historietas de los X-Files llegaron a los anaqueles de las tiendas recaudando buenos ingresos, antes de que TOPPS, le diera un mal giro, junto con toda la franquicia. En Noviembre, la publicación de las historietas de Wildstorm, busca devolver la popularidad a los comics de la serie, agregándole a estas ediciones algo que en los noventas nunca tuvieron: Una conexión directa con la mitología del programa.
Por Kiel Phegley, Miércoles 22 de Octubre
En los 90’s las historietas de los X-Files llegaron a los anaqueles de las tiendas recaudando buenos ingresos, antes de que TOPPS, le diera un mal giro, junto con toda la franquicia. En Noviembre, la publicación de las historietas de Wildstorm, busca devolver la popularidad a los comics de la serie, agregándole a estas ediciones algo que en los noventas nunca tuvieron: Una conexión directa con la mitología del programa.
“Están conectados con parte de la mitología que introducimos pero no desarrollamos, a principios de la quinta temporada”, dijo Frank Spotnitz, un veterano escritor de la serie y co-escritor de la última película The X-files: Quiero Creer.
“Introducimos esta corporación: Roush, como parte de la mitología pero no tuvimos la oportunidad de profundizar en ella. Así que los próximos dos libros están conectados a Roush. Y voy a tomar un pequeño descanso luego de estos dos ejemplares, y volver a mi carrera como escritor, aunque espero en algún momento volver a escribir mas y hacer mas con la mitología” Pero mientras la participación directa de Spotnitz solo durará unos meses mas, la serie de historietas continua por otros cinco ejemplares. Donde se presentan historias de Mulder y Scully en su forma clásica, interactuando con el subdirector del FBI Skinner, los Pistoleros Solitarios, y el Fumador.
“Es divertido volver a trabajar con eso”, explica, “Hay algo interesante en las historietas (en mi imaginación de cualquier manera), y es que de alguna manera están ‘fuera del tiempo’. Las situaciones son parecidas a lo que sucedía durante las temporadas 2 y 5 de la serie, pero están usando ropa, y tecnología de nuestra época.
No es como si ellos fueran parte de un periodo. Es más como si se hubieran desligado del tiempo. Los veo como si fuera lo que sucedería si la serie aún estuviera al aire; una especie de universo paralelo donde no tuvimos la película”.
Con la baja recaudación de la taquilla que la última película obtuvo este verano, a los X-philes les agradará saber que estas historias se desarrollan durante los años de gloria del programo, centrándose en varios elementos mitológicos que no se desarrollaron completamente en el programa. Y los planes de Spotnit’z incluyen a dos de losa antiguos escritores de The X-Files, y algunos de los mejores desarrolladores de comics, incluidos Brad Meltzer y Brian K. Vaughan. “Algunos de los escritores del programa, John Shiban y David Amann, han mostrado su interés en participar del proyecto pero en este momento tienen carreras bastante ocupadas. Así que mientras tanto, me encanta ver a otros escritores de historietas tratando de hacer X-Files, y eso es lo genial de las historietas: Tú puedes explorar y experimentar y hacer cosas que ‘están ahí afuera’” Y si ustedes, lectores, quieren saber si se harán más de estos comics, Spotnitz dice que en un futuro se pueden desarrollar otras de las series del Universo de su amigo, Chris Carter. “Es una fantástica idea. Aún amo todos esos programas, tengo un gran afecto por cada programa que hicimos con Chris en 1013. Especialmente ‘Harsh Realm’ y ‘LoneGunman’, que creo termino antes de su tiempo. Y debo decirte, a cada lugar que voy, siempre hay gente preguntándome si va a ver una película de ‘Millenuim’ o algo, así que sospecho que hay una buena multitud que aún sigue esperándola”
Traducción: X-Files Fan Club Perú

‘X-Files’ Producer/Director Frank Spotnitz Makes The Mythology Matter In New Wildstorm Comic Series
X-Files comic books — in the ’90s, four color tales of Agents Scully and Mulder heated up the comics charts and nabbed scores of cash on the back issue market before the comics industry and publisher, Topps, took a turn for the worse…along with the whole “X-Files” franchise (check out Kurt Loder’s visit to the “X-Files” set here). Now in November, DC’s Wildstorm imprint looks to reignite the series’ comic popularity with a miniseries featuring something the ’90s comics never had: a direct tie to the show’s overarching mythos.
“They are connected with a part of the mythology that we introduced but did very little with at the beginning of season five,” said writer Frank Spotnitz, a longtime scribe for the series and co-writer of July’s “I Want To Believe” film. “We introduced this corporation Roush and so that was part of the mythology that we could have gone a lot deeper with but never got the chance. So the next two books connect with Roush. And I’m going to take a little break from writing comics after this and get back to my screenwriting career, but at some point I hope to get back to write more and do more with the mythology.”
But while Spotnitz’s direct exploration of the show’s most successful period will only last a few months, the series will continue for five issues after that, presenting new stories of Scully and Mulder in classic form mixing it up with FBI Deputy Director Skinner, conspiracy nuts The Lone Gunman and the villainous Cigarette Smoking Man, all of whom appear in upcoming issues.
“It’s just fun to play with again,” he explained. “This is kind of an interesting thing about the comic books – in my imagination anyway – [it's] that they’re sort of ‘out of time.’ The situation is the situation that we found between seasons two and five of the series. And yet, they’re wearing clothes and using technology that is contemporary of today. It’s not like they’re period pieces. It’s sort of like they’re unstuck from time. I look at them as if that situation in ‘The X-Files’ were still going on today; a sort of parallel universe to the one that we have in the movie.”
With that last movie underperforming at the box office this summer, long time X-Philes will be glad to know that the creator’s plans for future comics series will continue to play in the show’s glory years with new stories focusing on various mythological elements not fully developed in the show. And if Spotnitz has his way, those tales will be penned by both past “X-Files” writers as well as some of his big name comic writing pals, including Brad Meltzer and Brian K Vaughan.
“We have some writers from the TV series who have expressed interest like John Shiban and David Amann, but they all have busy television careers. But in the meantime I’d love to see some other established comic book writers try their hand at the ‘X-Files.’ And that’s what’s great about comic book series is you’re a lot freer to explore and experiment and do things that are out there.”
And if readers get behind the expanded in-continuity comics treatment “X-Files” is getting, Spotnitz doesn’t rule out more series based on his friend Chris Carter’s universe of TV series. “I think it’s a great idea; I still love all those titles. Every single show we did with Chris at 1013 I have great affection for. Especially ‘Harsh Realm’ and ‘Lone Gunman’ I think ended before their time. And I have to tell you, everywhere I go people are always asking me if there’s going to be a ‘Millennium’ movie or something, so I suspect there’s a hardcore audience out there that’s still wanting it.”
“They are connected with a part of the mythology that we introduced but did very little with at the beginning of season five,” said writer Frank Spotnitz, a longtime scribe for the series and co-writer of July’s “I Want To Believe” film. “We introduced this corporation Roush and so that was part of the mythology that we could have gone a lot deeper with but never got the chance. So the next two books connect with Roush. And I’m going to take a little break from writing comics after this and get back to my screenwriting career, but at some point I hope to get back to write more and do more with the mythology.”
But while Spotnitz’s direct exploration of the show’s most successful period will only last a few months, the series will continue for five issues after that, presenting new stories of Scully and Mulder in classic form mixing it up with FBI Deputy Director Skinner, conspiracy nuts The Lone Gunman and the villainous Cigarette Smoking Man, all of whom appear in upcoming issues.
“It’s just fun to play with again,” he explained. “This is kind of an interesting thing about the comic books – in my imagination anyway – [it's] that they’re sort of ‘out of time.’ The situation is the situation that we found between seasons two and five of the series. And yet, they’re wearing clothes and using technology that is contemporary of today. It’s not like they’re period pieces. It’s sort of like they’re unstuck from time. I look at them as if that situation in ‘The X-Files’ were still going on today; a sort of parallel universe to the one that we have in the movie.”
With that last movie underperforming at the box office this summer, long time X-Philes will be glad to know that the creator’s plans for future comics series will continue to play in the show’s glory years with new stories focusing on various mythological elements not fully developed in the show. And if Spotnitz has his way, those tales will be penned by both past “X-Files” writers as well as some of his big name comic writing pals, including Brad Meltzer and Brian K Vaughan.
“We have some writers from the TV series who have expressed interest like John Shiban and David Amann, but they all have busy television careers. But in the meantime I’d love to see some other established comic book writers try their hand at the ‘X-Files.’ And that’s what’s great about comic book series is you’re a lot freer to explore and experiment and do things that are out there.”
And if readers get behind the expanded in-continuity comics treatment “X-Files” is getting, Spotnitz doesn’t rule out more series based on his friend Chris Carter’s universe of TV series. “I think it’s a great idea; I still love all those titles. Every single show we did with Chris at 1013 I have great affection for. Especially ‘Harsh Realm’ and ‘Lone Gunman’ I think ended before their time. And I have to tell you, everywhere I go people are always asking me if there’s going to be a ‘Millennium’ movie or something, so I suspect there’s a hardcore audience out there that’s still wanting it.”
Fuente: splashpage.mtv.com & ConexionX
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