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jueves, enero 21, 2010

La web Mitch Pilleggi nos dice bye bye

Phil ha posteado un comunicado a través de su LJournal indicando que cierra la web que tanta calidad de información nos ha proporcionado, así como las excelentes fotografías que compartió con todos los xphiles.
Aquí el mensaje textual

Bye, Bye
I'm posting this so people won't think I've been hacked.

mitchpileggi.net is no more. I didn't want to make some huge announcement before hand like I was a store going out of business and I didn't want to have second thoughts. I've needed a break for a while and decided to take the plunge now.

Parts of it might come back with a new address, but most of it is long gone.

Thanks so much to those who have been supportive and kept the XF dream alive.

Fuente: Mitch Pileggi

Desde este blog le damos las gracias por tomarse el tiempo de mantenernos unidos a los xphilos a través de su web, ahora la info saldrá desde su livejournal.

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