Narrated by Chicago Native Gillian Anderson, Video of Fur Farms Shows Rabbits Kicking, Screaming During Slaughter
For Immediate Release:October 8, 2008
Contact:Nicole Matthews 757-622-7382
For Immediate Release:October 8, 2008
Contact:Nicole Matthews 757-622-7382
Chicago -- Gillian Anderson's voice will be heard loud and clear when PETA members assemble outside designer Giorgio Armani's Michigan Avenue store on Thursday to debut new video footage narrated by the actor. The video shows the horrendous conditions that were documented during two new undercover investigations at rabbit fur farms in China and France--countries from which the designer buys rabbit fur. Armani is now selling lots of fur, including rabbit-fur coats for babies and children. The new designs mean that he has broken the promise he made just last year when he said, "I spoke with the people from PETA, and they showed me some materials that convinced me not to use fur."
In the video footage, rabbits twitch and shake after their throats are cut. Workers at the Chinese farm pull rabbits out of cages by their ears and shoot them in the head with captive-bolt guns while the animals scream.
"Our investigations of fur farms always turn up the same horrible abuses: Animals are forced to live in filthy, miserable conditions where they are deprived of basic necessities and then die in agony and terror," says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. "Armani, like all fur pushers, is now supporting one of cruelest industries on Earth."
Many top fashion designers--including Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger--are 100 percent fur-free.
Where: Armani, N. Michigan and E. Chicago avenues, Chicago When: Thursday, October 9, 12 noon
Video footage of rabbits on a Chinese fur farm is available.
For more information about PETA, please visit PETA.org.
In the video footage, rabbits twitch and shake after their throats are cut. Workers at the Chinese farm pull rabbits out of cages by their ears and shoot them in the head with captive-bolt guns while the animals scream.
"Our investigations of fur farms always turn up the same horrible abuses: Animals are forced to live in filthy, miserable conditions where they are deprived of basic necessities and then die in agony and terror," says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. "Armani, like all fur pushers, is now supporting one of cruelest industries on Earth."
Many top fashion designers--including Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Ralph Lauren, and Tommy Hilfiger--are 100 percent fur-free.
Where: Armani, N. Michigan and E. Chicago avenues, Chicago When: Thursday, October 9, 12 noon
Video footage of rabbits on a Chinese fur farm is available.
For more information about PETA, please visit PETA.org.
El defensor de los animales Dan Mathews, vicepresidente de PETA (Personas por la ética en el trato los animales, según su sigla en inglés), encabezará mañana una protesta de activistas frente al principal local de Giorgio Armani en Milán acusándolo de “Pinocho” y “mentiroso” por faltar a su compromiso de dejar de utilizar pieles en sus colecciones.
Mathews, que hace años lanzó la memorable campaña de impacto “Mejor desnudas que con pieles” con modelos top sin ropas, acusó a Armani de incumplir su promesa de hace un año respecto de respetar los derechos de los animales.
“Faltó a su palabra, hace un año había dicho que no utilizaría más pieles, y en su nueva colección de otoño presentó sacos y faldas decorados con ellas y también gorros para niños con detalles en piel natural”, dijo Mathews.
Para denunciar públicamente a Armani, mañana frente al local de Emporio Armani milanés, los defensores de los animales llevarán pancartas que muestran al dueño de la firma transformado en un nuevo “Pinocho”.
Mathews estrenará además un documental, con la voz de Gillian Anderson estrella de la serie “Expedientes X”, filmado en los criaderos de conejos de Francia y China en los que Armani se provee de materia prima, según PETA.
“Para satisfacer un capricho de lujo se condena a un número enorme de conejos a una vida de sufrimientos y a una muerte violenta en China, dónde no existen los derechos de los animales”, agregó Mathews.
El vicepresidente de PETA, en dos décadas de activismo, logró convencer a estilistas del nivel de Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren y Tommy Hilfiger de que renuncien para siempre al uso de pieles de animales.
PETA solicitó asimismo a estrellas de Hollywood que suelen usar modelos de Armani y asistir a sus desfiles, tales como Tom Cruise y su esposa Katie Holmes, Cate Blanchett y Glenn Close que utilicen toda su influencia para que Armani mantenga la palabra empeñada. ANSA
Fuente: ABC
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